ICTO often host WebCMS training for staff to join. For WebCMS training, there are two levels.
Each attendee will be given a separate training environment that are mimics the production server as they will do in the real environment.
A demo website which contains the most common elements will be given for attendee as a target to build to, it will cover:
- Creating posts, pages and restore page backup;
- Creating simple page layout with Fusion Builder;
- Introducing basic Avada elements (text block, blog, image, tabs, slider etc.);
- Working with multi-media content, images / video;
- Making customize categories / tags for posts;
- Customizing with basic Avada theme options;
- Working with sidebar / menu / header / footers;
- Working with duplicate post;
- Customizing sliders;
- Basic SEO (Google Search Engine Optimization) technique;
- Concept of responsive layout;
- Avoiding bad practice;
Continue with level 1 course and more hands-on practice for the plugins provided by ICTO
- Introducing more Avada elements (content boxes, image carousel, flip boxes, recent post etc.);
- Customizing with advance Avada theme options;
- Creating advanced page layout, such as box layout, icon layout, etc;
- Working with co-authors;
- Adding multilingual support;
- Creating restricted pages/ content allowed only for login users;
- Working with intranet documents;
- Working with page / post submission workflow;
- Working with published page revision;
- Creating contact form;
- Creating table with TablePress;
- Working with event calendar plugins;
- Working with Revolution slider to higher level sliders;
Besides, ICTO also offers small group WordPress briefings for UM WebCMS users. Please contact @ to schedule briefing if necessary.